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Steve Portigal Event, Long-Haul Trucking & UXR Synergies

Please join us January 10th for a new Expert Series event with Steve Portigal. “Interviewing Users: Evolving Perspectives and Umpteen Paths” includes an intimate conversation with Steve about:

  • Research’s evolution over the past decade

  • Steve’s updates to the book Interviewing Users and

  • Finding continual inspiration within the user research industry

Let’s face it.

The research industry has changed dramatically over the past ten years. This practical and inspirational event will unravel these shifts, delve into the often overlooked nuances, and talk about the motivations that fueled the second edition of Interviewing Users.

Registrants are welcome to attend live or watch the recorded replay. They will also receive Steve’s seven go-to resources to support his user research practice: A guide to participating in fieldwork, Stakeholder interview guide, Sample screener, Sample interview guide, Observation frameworks, Observation guide, and Debrief worksheets.

All proceeds will benefit the International Rescue Committee. Tickets are just $5.00 USD and additional donations are welcome. >> Register here.

Truckloads of Insights: Parallel Paths of Trucking and UXR

We recently completed a user research study about long-haul trucking. Learning about this industry, speaking with carriers, and focusing on a non-tech topic was incredibly eye-opening and refreshing. Interestingly, there are numerous parallels between the trucking and user research. This following explores the twists and turns of fueling curiosity (pun intended) in both realms. From navigating fuel costs to maintaining the ethical engine of research, both share narratives that drive resilience and innovation.

Exploring the Crossroads of Challenges

1. Fuel Costs and Time Constraints:

In long-haul trucking, rising fuel costs mirror the time constraints in user research. It’s a journey of finding efficient routes on the road and optimizing research timelines to deliver insights quickly.

2. Navigating Cargo Rates and Research Depths:

Just as securing fair rates for transporting loads is crucial in trucking, user research seeks a parallel balance. Both domains strive for equilibrium—whether it’s fair compensation per mile or achieving a thoughtful balance between research depth and breadth.

Navigating Maintenance Pitstops

3. Truck Maintenance and Ethical Research Practices:

Managing ongoing and expensive maintenance trucking costs resonate with the meticulous care required in user research. Just as trucks need skilled hands and parts for upkeep, research also demands skill, ethics, and a strong commitment to maintaining integrity.

4. Navigating Fixed Costs in Two Realms:

Both industries have ongoing fixed costs regardless of immediate profitability. These expenses are the engine that propels progress, whether investing in roadside efficiency or compensating researchers and participants. In both arenas, fixed costs keep the wheels turning, steering the journey forward.​

Market Dynamics and Financial Struggles

5. Navigating Supply-Demand Dynamics:

The oversupply of trucks grappling with declining demand mirrors a parallel challenge in UXR. The trucking imbalance has far-reaching consequences—excess trucks vie for limited shipments, creating financial strains and industry turbulence. Similarly, in user research, tool saturation and diminishing roles pose a different but equally critical threat. The pervasive notion that anyone can perform research, fueled by tool accessibility, jeopardizes the value and credibility of trained researchers.

6. Payment Potholes and Research Time Constraints:

Independent truckers frequently struggle to receive timely payments and oftentimes pay factoring companies to expedite the process. This is akin to the urgency for rapid research results and the implementation of research express lanes (e.g. rolling research programs, unmoderated research, non-researchers conducting research, etc.). These shortcuts have their own price that mirror the trade-offs between research speed and thoroughness. Both industries share time constraints and financial struggles that intersect on the road to delivering outcomes.

7. Broker and Stakeholder Relationships, from Adversarial to Advantageous:

Varied attitudes towards trucking brokers echo the varied perceptions of research stakeholders. Building collaborative partnerships fuels success, while adversarial dynamics can result in road rage.

The next time a package is shipped or delivered, please pause to appreciate the countless truckers who play a crucial role in delivering those goods. Truckers are backbone of our economy, who navigate the open roads with unwavering dedication, ensuring products reach their destinations and communities flourish.

Speak up, get involved, and share the love!​

And that’s a wrap!

We try to alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles, and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift, and we continue to receive very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you.

What do you think? We're constantly iterating and would love to hear your input.

Stay curious,

- Michele and the Curiosity Tank team

PS: Don't forget to register for “Interviewing Users: Evolving Perspectives and Umpteen Paths” with Steve Portigal.