Are you a Lumper or a Splitter?

This newsletter was inspired by our recent Ask Like a Pro cohort's All-In research students. They presented their exceptional final study learnings to their stakeholders a few weeks ago and I am incredibly proud of their hard work and growth. Every cohort raises the bar and this cohort (our 11th!) has blown me away! HUGE CONGRATS TO THE WINTER 2023 COHORT!!

Are you a “Lumper” or a “Splitter”?

... when it comes to qualitative data analysis? This topic sparked a lively conversation in this past cohort. What on earth are “Lumpers” and “Splitters”? Allow me to enlighten you!

Lumpers approach analysis from a holistic perspective. Rather than diving into minute details, they focus on identifying overarching themes and patterns. For instance, when analyzing feedback on a food delivery app, a Lumper might notice the consistent praise for simplicity, quick delivery, and friendly customer service. They skillfully synthesize these positive attributes, recognizing that they contribute to an overall exceptional user experience. By capturing the essence of the feedback, Lumpers bring a unique perspective to the table, ensuring that the big picture is never lost amidst the abundance of qualitative data.

Meanwhile, a Splitter takes a meticulous approach to analyzing feedback. They dedicate themselves to categorizing each aspect, such as app interface, delivery speed, and customer support, ensuring no detail goes unnoticed. In fact, they go the extra mile by delving into subcategories, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for deeper, comprehensive learning. Their thorough examination and precise organization reveal the intricate nuances within the qualitative data, providing a deeper understanding of the UX. With their analytical prowess, Splitters contribute invaluable perspectives to the research process.

Which approach is best? Well, that’s up for debate! Both Lumpers and Splitters have their unique strengths and can yield valuable insights. It depends on your research goals and how you prefer your data served.

When lumping meets splitting, magic happens! It can unveil a kaleidoscope of insights, each offering a unique perspective on the qualitative data. Whenever possible, embrace employ BOTH lumping AND splitting to reveal the most multi-faceted gems.

Our Next Ask Like A Pro cohort

Our next Ask Like A Pro cohort will run from September - November 2023! This user research workshop series is intended for people who want to upskill in their current and future qualitative research roles.

It's now more important than ever to stay competitive, demonstrate your commitment to continual learning, and talk about your diverse research experiences! Learn more about Ask Like A Pro and check out the fall cohort calendar here.

Have specific questions? Schedule an "Is Ask Like A Pro Right for Me? call with Michele.


"Expert Training Series" is live! The Expert Training Series is a partnership between Curiosity Tank and top practitioners who are super passionate, and have achieved utter mastery, in a specific user research related topic.

Check out our partners and the topics in the "Expert Training Series". These are great trainings to fill in gaps and broaden your horizons. We'd love your suggestions for additional experts and topics as well. Please let us now your thoughts!

Speak up, get involved, and share the love!

And that’s a wrap!

We try to alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles, and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift, and we continue to receive very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you.

What do you think? We're constantly iterating and would love to hear your input.

Stay curious,

- Michele and the Curiosity Tank team

PS: Don't forget to check out the "Expert Training Series". You know you're curious!


What on earth are “Lumpers” and “Splitters”?


Congrats to our Winter 2023 cohort!