Learn how to leverage your user research to find the stickiest messages and boost conversions


PLEASE JOIN US for a session about product messaging. Are you testing it? How frequently? Is your approach reliable, and credible? How well do your product messages resonate with your target? Do they convert as well as desired? If not, it’s likely because product messaging took a backseat to (seemingly!) sexier design and feature development during product development.

Join us for a 90-minute session with Jennifer Havice, an expert product messaging researcher, and conversion specialist, as she leads us through the intricacies of product messaging development and testing.

Jen is the author of the highly acclaimed book "Finding the Right Message" and has helped numerous businesses uncover the most effective ways to communicate the value of their solutions to potential customers. During this session, you will learn what product messaging is, why it's crucial to the success of your product, how to go about it using Jen's special framework, and see some before and afters.

I’m thrilled to be sponsoring Jen and this event. She is literally the best in the business. I’ve worked with Jen for years and I can think of no one better to show you why product message testing and mining is just as important (and sexy!) as design and features. With her expertise, you'll gather more knowledge to test and optimize your product messages with a variety of methods, including moderated and unmoderated approaches.

This session is aimed at helping UXRs, product developers, designers, marketers, business owners, and anyone else looking to take their product messaging to the next level. The registration link is below. Registrants can attend live or watch the recorded replay. I look forward to seeing you there!


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