Learn more about our Ask Like A Pro user research workshop series

JOIN US: On Tuesday, March 15th we’re holding a free information session for people to learn more about our Ask Like A Pro user research workshop series.
Ask Like A Pro is an 8-week online mentorship for professionals who want step-by-step guidance on how to conduct meaningful, relevant, and impactful research. We get hands-on, work on real research projects with stakeholders, and move through every stage from planning through to presenting.

Students roll up their sleeves and walk away with proven methods and tools to help them genuinely understand their customers, challenges, and opportunities in less time while reducing errors and risk.

Students take part in or observe real, original research that answers questions for our project sponsors. For example…

  • What should we build? (We have an idea, see an opportunity)

  • Who are my customers, users, members, etc.? (How do they think, feel, behave, what motivates them…)

  • Are we building the right thing? (We aren’t confident, Why isn’t it working)

  • Are we building the thing right? (Are we taking the right approach)

  • Why did this metric go up or down? (What's going on)

  • Do they understand this? (How do they interpret this, Does it make sense)

  • How can we improve XYZ? (Make it faster, better, more intuitive)

  • Should we implement this feature? (What are the pros/cons)

There are three ways to participate in Ask Like A Pro. OnDemand, as an Observer, or by going All-In.

Several Ask Like A Pro alumni will join us to answer your questions directly. They will speak from their experience and candidly with you in breakout groups. We’ll cover the above and much more!

Our next cohort begins in late March. It’s wild this is our 8th cohort!!

PLEASE JOIN US if you are interested in increasing your user research skills, building better relationships with your researchers, learning from an expert UXR practitioner and educator, getting mentorship or exposure to the best tools and approaches, filling in gaps to be more competitive, joining a group of like-minded colleagues, and or exploring a truly unique learning experience.

Register here to join us real-time (and ask questions!) or receive a recording of the event. We already have 56 people signed up!


User research tip of the day


Craft a winning UX research plan